“I have now worked in collaboration with Helen for 3 months in regard to my business and I can categorically say the money was well worth investing and I am going back for further collaboration to work on another area of my life that needs her input. I can’t recommend her highly enough. I was very close to burn out working crazy hours and I just couldn’t see the way forward to a more balanced way of life and keep the business going. Her input and guidance has transformed how I work and think and brought a level of harmony I never felt possible.”
E. Hanwell Director Folkstone Care: Europe's top 10 care home providers
“Dear Helen, Thank you very much for the sacred space of the coaching sessions. I have experienced some huge shifts and daring to be fully transparent and honest around some things and currently in the process of recalibrating. AND I have started to paint. Hoorah! I also just wanted to share the gratitude I have for this process, space and container, the divine, and journey.”
JANE T. Social Worker and artist
“Thank you for your beautiful and brilliant presence in my life.”
Jacqueline - PERFUMEIR
“I want to share The beautiful VIP day I had with Helen. absolutely mind-blowingly Helen spent 4 hours expressing half-formed thoughts lurking in the back of my Head, and things I knew intuitively and hitting the absolute nail on the head about where I was going and what I needed to do, it was wonderful. By then I was unable to speak I was so...it was like how much awesomeness can you shoehorn into a day. There has been so much flow starting from the before the day began and unfolding in my life now. Helen that was absolutely brilliant, thank you very much.”
“You are so good at what you do it’s amazing really. Thank you.”
“I could never handle tonight without you wonderful Helen. Huge thanks for sharing your amazing wisdom. Thanks, I am feeling relieved and relaxed. No longer exhausted. Previously I wouldn't have slept for days and would have felt sick with anxiety and fear. But I am strong, head held high. This could never have happened without your intuition and guidance. Thanks, I am feeling relieved and relaxed. No longer exhausted. Previously I wouldn't have slept for days and would have felt sick with anxiety and fear. But I am strong, head held high. This could never have happened without your intuition and guidance.”
“You have a very special gift that you share with others to help them on their journey. We are very thankful for you. Your gift is for all your dreams to come true. You are so, so amazingly special. Your intuition, skills, presence and space you give are all a gift to everyone. I am so grateful I met you and we have crossed paths. I wouldn't want to do this any other way. You are beautiful, kind. gracious, generous and love personified.”
“Deepest reverence and gratitude. Thank you! Being a star seed is not easy but you wear it well and I admire you greatly. This retreat has been a pleasure and joy.”
“Every detail, every moment - all the integrity and love flows through. Soul teacher. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
“Helen, I am grateful from the depth of my heart for holding me with strength, clarity, and openness of my heart + not going up on me.”
Previous Courses
“Your course was a birthday gift to me this year! I am very grateful I decided to go ahead! You are a wonderful teacher!”
Kim Brind A'mour
“I want to thank you so much for the wonderful course and for opening my mind up to so many things. The space you held for us with your beautiful energy, generosity of spirit and insight was a joy and both extremely comforting and uplifting and I’m really going to miss the sessions and the support.”
Karlyn Stephen
“Thank you again for creating and holding the whole course so beautifully. It really felt so special to be a part of and you held so much emotion and complexity with a gentle and confident touch. Each week was so well thought out and the whole course really flowed. I have got so much from it, not least a wonderful group of women to connect with and learn with. Thank you.”
“This was a great opportunity to explore interests that have been growing significantly in the past few years. It was beautifully led with sincerity and kindness and lovely to be in this group of strangers brought together around a common theme. So glad I could participate. This past pandemic year has necessitated revising routines and patterns--listening more deeply to the soul and to creation has been part of that for me. This course helped in that ongoing journey.”
Patricia PEEBLES
“As I have said so many times, and hand on heart mean, I am so grateful for you, and our group. Thank you so much. There have been many times where I have felt like life really isn’t worth living, or I am too tired to keep hiking, or battling on and then I will listen to you, or join a group or whatever and it reminds me to go inwards.”
“THANK YOU for holding such a gracious ceremony yesterday. It was expertly run, i loved the way you led the rituals. I felt we all had time to contemplate and integrate and the rhythm was good there were lots of us but it never felt rushed or slow either. In fact when you said it was 5pm i was quite surprised..! I didn't actually know what to expect before coming. I've done a few very different cacao ceremonies and they seem to take after the personality running the circle. But i felt that Sunday was not so much taking after you as it was you holding space for us to look inwards and that was really good. The cacao was excellent quality and i have felt very grounded and light today, very calm and i got more stuff done than usual. Which surprised me! Haha..”
“I had a truly amazing time on, thank you so much I will be sure to come along again. It’s put me in touch with being more decisive, more positive and more prone to speaking my mind and standing by who I am. All that in one session- I know! But it does feel like that.”
“Don’t underestimate the wonderful power you have when you share your wisdom and guidance. This being the third ceremony of yours I have come to, I want to say that they are deeply healing for the mind, spirit and body. I feel safe, nurtured and uplifted. The gentle guidance and loving support you provide gives me the time and space to reflect on my life and my place in the universe. I left feeling invigorated, buoyant and more whole today. Can’t wait to do it again.”
“Your streams help so much and encourage me and I'm sure loads of others to trust that spreading love is the best way to move forward in these not so nice time.”
Diane Mungo