Articles to help you shift from head to heart living

Elizabeth Ellery Elizabeth Ellery

He died in my arms

Halloween isn't to teach us about sugar, face paint and pseudo-sexy goths. How comfortable are you getting up close and personal with death? Rain was pounding the pavements so furiously it was hard to keep my head up, even with a hood…

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Elizabeth Ellery Elizabeth Ellery

Unlock Inner Peace

Buddhist philosophy says that greed, anger, and foolishness are the three main poisons in life, and we have them all. One is predominant, and I can say, hand on heart, mine has always been anger.

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Elizabeth Ellery Elizabeth Ellery

ADHD - How I rock it naturally

I used to inwardly roll my eyes when I heard a friend say she'd been diagnosed with ADHD, as I wasn't a fan of 'labels'. I saw how, more often than not, they were used to push prescriptions rather than look at the root cause of symptoms. But..

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Elizabeth Ellery Elizabeth Ellery

Unlock Your True Desires

Do you find it difficult to ask for what you want? Did you just get a yes?… no…? it depends?… This is something I am passionate about. So, if you are up for it, let’s play a game of ‘Have You Ever?’:

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